Tomacu Alexandru
Freelancer GoParrot
Centrul de Excelenta in Economie si Finante (Programarea si analiza produselor program)
20 April 2000
React.js Developer
30000 lei
Part Time
Full Stack Web Developer
03/2017– 9/2017 Bruxrelief, startup in the medical field.
I was one of two developers who developed the software and hardware for device that detect bruxism. I wrote the software in C ++.
02/2018 – 09/2018 BSD Management, Full stack web developer
(Laravel / HTML / CSS / jQuery / React.js).
10/2018 - 12/2018 (Freelance project), Internal CRM for a company that produces and sells T-shirts. (Laravel / Vue.js)
01/2019 - 02/2019 (Freelance project),, platform for selling air tickets. (Laravel / Vue.js)
03/2019 - 06/2019 (Freelance project), platform for selling foreign language courses. (Laravel / Vue.js)
06/2019 - 07/2019 (Freelance project), Multipage, multilang website.
(Laravel / Vue.js)
07/2019 -09/2019 (Freelance project), News and media websites. (Laravel / Vue.js)
09/2019 - 10/2019 (Freelance project), Platform for comparing prices for several products from different shops. (Laravel / Vue.js)
React.js Developer
Centrul de Excelenta in Economie si Finante (Programarea si analiza produselor program)
Laravel React.js Vue.js jQuery HTML/CSS Java JavaScript Express.js Electron.js C C++ Bootstrap Pascal REST CRUD SOLID PHP Redux React Native MySql Sql Nest
Romanian (Native)
Russian (Intermediate)
Еnglish (Intermediate)
Java Asociate Oracle
Oracle, Tekwill
Am studiat java timp de 6 luni si la final am dat examenul OCA pe 72%
I characterize myself as a very hard-working, educated and smart boy. I easily get acquainted with the new group and I quickly adapt to new technologies and accept at any moment new challenges. I have 3 years experience as a full stack web developer on Laravel / Vue.js / React.js