Tomacu Alexandru
Freelancer GoParrot
Centrul de Excelenta in Economie si Finante
Moldova Chișinău mun., Chișinău
Nu am
20 aprilie 2000
Full Stack Web Developer
30000 lei
Part time
Full Stack Web Developer
03/2017– 9/2017 Bruxrelief, startup in the medical field.
I was one of two developers who developed the software and hardware for device that detect bruxism. I wrote the software in C ++.
02/2018 – 09/2018 BSD Management, Full stack web developer
(Laravel / HTML / CSS / jQuery / React.js).
10/2018 - 12/2018 (Freelance project), Internal CRM for a company that produces and sells T-shirts. (Laravel / Vue.js)
01/2019 - 02/2019 (Freelance project),, platform for selling air tickets. (Laravel / Vue.js)
03/2019 - 06/2019 (Freelance project), platform for selling foreign language courses. (Laravel / Vue.js)
06/2019 - 07/2019 (Freelance project), Multipage, multilang website.
(Laravel / Vue.js)
07/2019 -09/2019 (Freelance project), News and media websites. (Laravel / Vue.js)
09/2019 - 10/2019 (Freelance project), Platform for comparing prices for several products from different shops. (Laravel / Vue.js)
React.js Developer
Centrul de Excelenta in Economie si Finante
Laravel React.js Vue.js jQuery HTML/CSS Java JavaScript Express.js Electron.js C C++ Bootstrap Pascal REST CRUD SOLID PHP Redux React Native MySql Sql Nest
Română (Nativ)
Rusă (Mediu)
Engleză (Mediu)
Java Asociate Oracle
Oracle, Tekwill
Am studiat java timp de 6 luni si la final am dat examenul OCA pe 72%
I characterize myself as a very hard-working, educated and smart boy. I easily get acquainted with the new group and I quickly adapt to new technologies and accept at any moment new challenges. I have 3 years experience as a full stack web developer on Laravel / Vue.js / React.js