Sales agent / travel agent for business class tickets sales

1 500 $
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We are a new travel agency, founded by experienced professionals of the industry. We sell business class tickets and we are inviting you to be a part of our growing team. We are looking for travel agents with a decent level of English. Priority and excellent conditions will be offered to sales agents who already have some experience in the field. What we offer: - The best payment scheme on the market: up to 50% of Gross Profit from a sale will go into your net salary - Interesting growth opportunities. We are at the very start of our journey. If you stick with the team from the very beginning, youll naturally be the first in line for promotions and interesting positions when the company grows bigger. What we expect: - A good level of English - Some experience in selling tickets, or a high motivation to learn very fast. For any questions contact Artemis 067 64 95 00 /

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Travel agency specializing in business class tickets.